Saturday 12 April 2014


The Kenyan roads are always a buzz with hooting, strident music booming from the speakers and neck break speeds from the public haulage vehicles. Some people however may like the kind of milieu that they are subjected to; others completely detest this atrocious type of environment. Posters such as, “KAMA UNA HARAKA SHUKA UTEMBEE” , “KONDA NI MOTO DERE NI STIMA LETA FUJO UONE”, “ HATUSEMI UMENONA LAKINI UKIKALIA VITI MBILI LIPA”, “ KAMA HUPENDEZWI NA MUZIKI, NUNUA GARI YAKO” and so many other such posters insulting the same people who are responsible for giving you business. Being such an economy with the level of awareness on the consumer rights, one cannot enjoy the luxury of public transport and get the value for their money. No matter how much you try to complain about your predicament in the vehicle, its’ met by a rude and unwelcoming reply, no one in support of you and blank stares questioning your utterance.
Loud shouts from everywhere luring you to enter their vehicle, they are so generous that they will most certainly run after you to help with your luggage. Telling you of how best their car is and even showing you to “the best seat in the house”. Incase you are in a rush, they will tell you that they only need one more person to fill the vehicle and they will be ready to leave. The tainted windows of the car do not give out even a soul of the secret that is hidden within. The door is open and yes, you can see that there are people inside, all looking at you, their eyes implying that you enter the vehicle so that they set out on the journey. You decide to take a leap of faith and board it, only to your surprise, you are just but a fraction in the car. As more sufferers like you to this deception are lured in, its’ even more surprising that others are walking out. Functioning just like your wallet, as soon as the razor sharp notes from the bank are in, the old ones go out. Turns out that the people who were initially in the vehicle, were just a lot of paid distraction to make the car appear loaded and ready to leave. If you try to protest and seek an alternative way out of this predicament, a rude answer that leaves you dumbfounded straps you in back to your seat and tight-lipped for the entire journey to your destination. Another rude shocker is the fare prices just shoot up and you are forced to pay more than you ought to, just because of a simple shower of rain befalling the roads or slow moving traffic. Woe unto you if you fail to raise the amount asked for, the kind of treatment you get is worse than what a stray dog gets. Once you alight, you swear to yourself you’ll never board that car, but for some reason, you still fall victim of the same welcoming smile and the same devious plans as the day before and the day after. This is a RAT RACE with THE MATATU MENTALITY.
So what is “THE MATATU MENTALITY” and how is it related to the organization? This mindset implies that you are only vital before you board a public means of transport, once you are on board; your significance is quickly thrown out of the window. Many organizations will present a very attractive package for you as an aspiring employee. The benefits will be coated in all kinds of splendor and will paint a perfect picture of what every member of staff would like to hear. Attractive remuneration, tasks and qualifications you can easily meet, or probably have surpassed. But what you don’t know is the other side of your duties. The people you work with or work for. What level of psychological pressure is required? What else has the employee advertising for the vacancy not incorporated in the job description and requirements? This will ultimately lead you to leaving a perfect and well paying job for another, though better remuneration but tasks you can’t handle. As an organization or as an employee or employer, iron out all that is required to a specified position. This will not only give you the upper hand of getting the right people for the job but also save on costs incurred to train the employee on the tasks at hand. So, organizations should not swindle unsuspecting clients or employees only to discover later that what was is not what is. This paints a downbeat image of the organization and in the end, loss of valuable assets towards realization of organizations’ goals. Recoil from “THE MATATU MENTALITY”. Not only should you train your workers well, but also appreciate them even better, and they will stay and give their superlative. Delight a client well, and provide all the essential information, full disclosure, and more clients will follow for satisfaction.

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