Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Genesis

The synonym for interloper; well I thought to myself, this must be an invader as I slowly filled my acrostic puzzle at home. Jaded that the universities were closed for the summer and I had nowhere in particular to travel to as compared to my equals. Then on a more familiar movie series to some of you, the illustrious 90210 that I had been following since high school, I got a brilliant idea. Why not occupy the commercial world and segment my understanding with others who are too much enthusiastic to read articles on the various business topics they ought to know about the industry.  Alas! CORPORATE INVADER was born, and using the ultimate weapon (which in this case is my lecture and research work) the great and entrepreneurial earthlings will get some few tips here and there on how to manoeuver in this jungle called THE CORPORATE WORLD.
To start off, I own up and appreciate all the folks who venture into the business world. Whether accomplished or not. It’s a jungle out there and only the apt and smart are able to survive. In this jungle, information is influence,risk is a requisite and most importantly, know your rival. You are at war with other minds, pronounced, smart or creative. What matters the most is what diverse item are you presenting on the table. Beforetaking up any role, whether in life, occupation or liaison, carryout a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) analysis on your self and also the field. Do you have the guts to do what is done in that particular arena or will you chicken out and be but a spectator?
Life is one big game, the earth is the playing field, people are your adversaries, prospects your life’s and yourself, the nemesis. What matters is how cut out you are to thrive in this game christened life. Do not guise at other people and say, “I’ll probably never be like that fellow, I mean he/she is successful, drives a deluxe car, lives large and all.” Everyone is successful in their own way. A supermodel that is on the cover of a renowned magazine but is emaciated as hell is successful in her rapports. An activist who fights for a just course is successful. A mason who builds a tower is successful. A student who completes eighth grade or high school is successful. Success is what you want to realize with your life and not how much dough you have in your account, or how posh you live or drive. Success is the state of being contented with your existing situation and sustaining it. It is being free and peaceful at heart. Know your background. Use it as a reference point for all your endeavors. Look at life as a game of basketball. Think of home, shoot the ball. Do not be influenced to take part in an activity you customarily don’t do for the sake of being accepted.Acceptance and retribution are the pleasures of a narrow mind.Intellectual people care more about their life than how people see them. Be yourself, believe in yourself and others will believe in you.
Well this is not an inspirational blog but rather, a forum for the generation Y or the chaotic generation as we are termed to share knowledge and exchange ideas to how to go about the day-to-day life in the corporate world. This is a revolution. Let us show the world that we too know what we do and how we do. Operation “OCCUPY CORPORATE WORLD” is now effective. Good luck combatants!